
Showing posts from April, 2018

God made me black cause He knew I could handle it.

What a strange world we live in. Racism, classism, & sexism exist. At some point a person, group of people, or something convinced others like hey I’m better than you because of my skin color, gender, or I just have more money. What kind of messed up ish is that ( no spelling errors here )! I was recently talking with my uncle & he mentioned how it’s 2018 & we still have to deal with this kind of stuff. Weird right? Well I’m bout to shake the bake, I believe God created us the way we are because...He knew we could handle it, with His help of course. God doesn’t accidentally make someone a certain way. When He was making Isaiah Shemaiah Brown he intentionally created a brown skinned, 6’ 2’’ dude, with a great metabolism (these are my only good traits, JK 😂 ). God knew what we were gonna face as a person even without the whole Christian persecution thing. Whether you’re gay, brown, female etc. God knew the circumstances we were being thrown into before we even came into...

Netflix’s Queer Eye Season 1 Episode 5, MIND BLOWN.

First of all shout out to the people who have made this show & the multi colored lens of diversity they have decided to shoot it through.  You can honestly tell episode by episode that the core values of this show are diversity, respect, & hearing out others even when their views differ from yours.  I might as well get to the good part I’m building up to. In episode 5 of season one of the show Queer Eye (SPOILER ALERT!!!!) the fab 5 (an all gay men makeover crew) have an interaction with their client who happens to be a Christian. & after a couple of days of their interactions together, the Christian dude beautifully spills out his heart to the men who have just blessed him GREATLY & changed his life DRASTICALLY.  Near the end of the episode he begins by sharing the vision of how his wife & him had been praying over these few days of all the guys hanging out together & how the couple really intentionally above all else wanted the guys ...

With every good idea comes a clock

Ever since I could remember good ideas comes & go. Some stay for a season, some stay for longer but if they’re not executed were they ever a real idea in the first place? I saw these adverts around SF that annoyed me. They showed these normal looking people in black & white pictures with a big label in front calling them doers. The message seemed as if they were better than us normal folk who sometimes dream a little longer than others before acting on them. Are they better than us (dreamers) & if so why are they? In 2010 at the age of 18 I started rapping after being inspired by the likes of CHH artists such as Lecrae, Bizzle, & Swoope (my three favorite rappers at the time & yes they’re all spelled correctly 😂 ). They were all amazing, I wanted to make music just like them, & I even wanted to make an album one day that featured all of them on separate tracks. Did this ever happen, no. Do I still want this to happen, no as well.  Were dreams e...

There were times I didn’t regret skipping church.

There were times I didn’t regret skipping church.  Why the heck did church have to be on a day literally called Sun-Day?  I remember as a kid & up to this point in life I would always stare at the window in school, I would stare at the window at work, & I would stare out the window in college (literally staring out a window as I write this, in a Starbucks). Why the heck does so much of life have to be spent indoors? What has grass done to us that has hurt us so bad? So I skipped church, so whaaat?? I had so much fun doing it too. Back in 2014 I would coach kids’ basketball games on Sundays & I had a blast! (That word doesn’t even give justice to how good a time I had)  The main rule of the game was to get all of the kids playing time (so it’s the easiest coaching job in the world). I would ride the bus to work & even that would be beautiful, going over the Sydney Harbor Bridge right after sunrise is definitely worthy of a bucket list. I wo...