God made me black cause He knew I could handle it.
What a strange world we live in. Racism, classism, & sexism exist. At some point a person, group of people, or something convinced others like hey I’m better than you because of my skin color, gender, or I just have more money. What kind of messed up ish is that ( no spelling errors here )! I was recently talking with my uncle & he mentioned how it’s 2018 & we still have to deal with this kind of stuff. Weird right? Well I’m bout to shake the bake, I believe God created us the way we are because...He knew we could handle it, with His help of course. God doesn’t accidentally make someone a certain way. When He was making Isaiah Shemaiah Brown he intentionally created a brown skinned, 6’ 2’’ dude, with a great metabolism (these are my only good traits, JK 😂 ). God knew what we were gonna face as a person even without the whole Christian persecution thing. Whether you’re gay, brown, female etc. God knew the circumstances we were being thrown into before we even came into...