With every good idea comes a clock

Ever since I could remember good ideas comes & go. Some stay for a season, some stay for longer but if they’re not executed were they ever a real idea in the first place?

I saw these adverts around SF that annoyed me. They showed these normal looking people in black & white pictures with a big label in front calling them doers. The message seemed as if they were better than us normal folk who sometimes dream a little longer than others before acting on them. Are they better than us (dreamers) & if so why are they?

In 2010 at the age of 18 I started rapping after being inspired by the likes of CHH artists such as Lecrae, Bizzle, & Swoope (my three favorite rappers at the time & yes they’re all spelled correctly πŸ˜‚). They were all amazing, I wanted to make music just like them, & I even wanted to make an album one day that featured all of them on separate tracks. Did this ever happen, no. Do I still want this to happen, no as well. 

Were dreams ever meant to expire & if they do is that necessarily bad? My dream at the moment is to get married & have children one day but currently I’m pretty sure I enjoy being single. Maybe I would enjoy a girlfriend who knows, but being single is the much ‘safer’ choice. 

A few weeks ago I was impacted by a play I saw that one of my co-workers from Starbucks directed. One of the lines in the play paraphrased was that “Yes being single is the safer choice, but it isn’t the better of the two (unless of course you know you were born to be celibate (don't ask me how that works)).”

It got me thinking how I’ve never asked a girl out. Sure I’ve never been rejected but I also never got to experience the possible joys of having a companion. 

I know this sounds sad but check one of the previous paragraphs again, I enjoy being single. I can do what I want when I want whenever I want, but it does get lonely sometimes. 

For example seeing a beautiful sunrise, landscape, ocean, etc. is amazing but I know for a fact (despite always being single) that the experience is so much better with someone else by your side (your romantic partner or just some friends). One time I even turned down a free all paid trip to New Zealand (where I REALLY wanted to go) because I would only get to experience it by myself. Not the kind of memories I like to make!

Whether it’s a significant other or something else entirely I believe God has given us dreams to be made into realities. Why have vision if you never get to experience what you see?

I pray my dreams come true but first I pray for the courage to work, possibly fail, but also possibly succeed in what perhaps can be made. 

The clock’s ticking. 




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