God made me black cause He knew I could handle it.

What a strange world we live in. Racism, classism, & sexism exist. At some point a person, group of people, or something convinced others like hey I’m better than you because of my skin color, gender, or I just have more money. What kind of messed up ish is that (no spelling errors here)! I was recently talking with my uncle & he mentioned how it’s 2018 & we still have to deal with this kind of stuff. Weird right?

Well I’m bout to shake the bake, I believe God created us the way we are because...He knew we could handle it, with His help of course. God doesn’t accidentally make someone a certain way. When He was making Isaiah Shemaiah Brown he intentionally created a brown skinned, 6’ 2’’ dude, with a great metabolism (these are my only good traits, JK 😂). God knew what we were gonna face as a person even without the whole Christian persecution thing. Whether you’re gay, brown, female etc. God knew the circumstances we were being thrown into before we even came into this world. I don’t know about you but for some reason this encourages me. Stay with me. 

Let me for example start by explaining through my experience as a black man. God knew there would be Jim Crow laws that only got abolished a little over 50 years ago, He knew black men would be shot by white police officers on a frequent basis to this day, but still He said despite all that I will make you the way you are, why? I believe because He knew we could be strong through His strength, no matter your minority group. 

God’s strength is made PERFECT in our weakness. When we feel we can’t make it, when we feel we can’t go on, He says I know! & I can do something about it. 

Going back to the Christian persecution thing, here in the Western world both here in America & briefly when I’ve lived in Australia I’ve suffered more for being a black man than for being a Christian. You get called names, get the weirdest of stares, some people wrongly assume your intentions & lock their car doors when you walk past them, but as I’m sure you’ve noticed with the rest of life we grow in the tension (Link to the lyrics of my rap “Uncomfortable” on the same subject: http://izzybwannabemc.blogspot.com/2018/04/uncomfortable.html?m=1). Diamonds are made with pressure just like how the most amazing people can come from the ugliest of situations. God knew what He was doing when He made you, it was always intentional & never an accident no matter how the world treats you. 

I praise you God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame WAS NOT hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. YOUR EYES saw my unformed body; ALL THE DAYS ordained for me were written in your book before ONE OF THEM came to be.

God knew what He was doing when He created you & He did a beautiful job doing it. 




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