Refreshed (a short story inspired by Proverbs 25:25)

I cover up my scars. They only see what they need to see. They had been calling me names for quite some time. Can’t they see I’m just like them? 

Why can’t I fit in? No one knows my pain and no one ever will. I will keep it inside. As it festers and bubbles I feel the anger rising to a broken surface. 

It seeps out as I yell at a customer. She shows shock in her face but calm in her heart, she asks me what’s the source? None of her business. She says it is her business because my behavior was affecting her so now she’s a part of the situation. 

I flinch. My inside’s are filthy. Fermenting in the putrid stench are the lies that have corrupted my mind. They slither nearer and nearer by the second, salivating for my beating heart. 

This was my last chance. This poison was going to kill me. I share a little, a little more, not realizing I was moments away from the death of my soul. She meets my words without judgment. She speaks into me without warrant. 

She gives me the truth as I hesitantly hold it within my grasp. It seeps through me. Serene. Cold water refreshing my inner being. 

I had forgotten what it meant to not live enslaved. I had forgotten what it meant to not to live in suffering. She leaves but stays with me. 


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