My Favorite Song You've Never Heard Of

The song I chose was 'I Miss You' by Wit & Dre Murray feat. Kelly Kelz. This song is important and significant to me because I discovered this album in my early twenties which has now become one of my favorite albums of all time. I reminisce the experiences of walking the bright and sunny suburbs of Waterloo and Alexandria with my raggedy, decrepit yet clearly sounding ATH-M50 headphones in Sydney Australia. 

I also think of biking home with fake Beats by Dre earbuds at 10pm in the brisk and sometimes rainy cold while dodging buses and pedestrians on roundabouts all the while trying to get home in time time to cook a cheap, quick meal. This was proceeded by a 5am call time to meet at my local church to help out with the lighting in the early morning. 

Vulnerable music with red, pulsing heartbeats drove me then and still drives me now. Ironically you can't stream this song or buy it anywhere so its nearly impossible to find unless if you find a bootleg version of it on youtube or download the mp3 version which is then super hard to transfer to an iPhone in this day and age (probably why I've been hesitant to upgrade my current iPhone in years haha).


What first makes this song beautiful is it begins the same way it ends. The track sounds the exact same at the start as it does at the finish. I love songs that do this, they feel organic and like a circled narrative in the way it presents itself. The rapper Dre Murray then comes in and shares a story of how his friend staged a bank robbery, then got caught and booked for it. The artist at the time was experiencing his newfound faith and struggled to be there for his friend in his time of need. He then visits his friend in prison but to his dismay only sees hate in his eyes. 

The chorus then comes in simply yet beautifully performed by Kelly Kelz with the lyrics of how even though Dre had to experience pain and walk through the fires of life you have to go through when living life on this earth, he ultimately still misses his friend in the end.


In the 2nd verse Dre then shares of his other friend who was like a brother to him got shot and killed and he didn't know how to approach his family to comfort them. He personally is struggling with the loss of his friend and his last line is, "I pray that this verse heals my heart." The chorus comes in again to signify he misses this friend desperately as well.


Lastly Dre shares the story of his friend who is battling cancer and he is in the hospital with her family. This story ends on a more bittersweet note with his friend telling Dre personally, "They can have my body but my spirit won't die" signifying life after death where she will live her eternity in heaven. The chorus comes in for the last time but this time is repeated twice which really hits the point home of missing a friend even though you know you will see them again one day after this life is over.


A short 3 minute song yet with three verses all intricately placed to produce great story telling with smooth, sampled producing by Wit including cleverness like at 1:50 where he stops the beat to give the sound effect of a heartbeat to match Dre's lyrics of "Gazing out the window but listening to your heart, like I'm searching for the tempo thinking to the start." 

As I listen to this song today I remember the setting of when I first heard it back in 2013 while riding on the road to get home. It brings me back to Dre's raw emotions every time and the big life lesson that life is short so cherish the one's you love and the time you get to spend with them and I found it poetic of how his final friend was on her last call to on her ride home as well. We are here today and gone tomorrow, so strengthen the bridges of relationships you have and never take them for granted. Peace. 

Link to the song:


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