Pulled Over.

 On my way home from summer school blinded by the sunlight I don't see that I'm being followed. I continue to ride my bike slowly on the sidewalk before a car pulls up to me and tells me to pull over. The figure reveals itself. Its a lone white cop and I realize I'm on a deserted street. I have nowhere to go. "What's in your backpack he asks?" I've been taught to not disobey authorities so I hand it over. Almost to his dismay the cop looks disappointed as he searches through my backpack to find only school supplies. "Do you have any drugs on you?" "No." I reply almost silently. Embarrassed, disempowered, and unsure of where this encounter will take me I fall into my thoughts.


Has it been hours? I need to get home, my parents will be wondering where I am. I don't have a cell phone just a map in my head of where I need to go and how long it will take me to get there. To my surprise as these thoughts ran through my head, I see a hand comes toward me. The cop gives me back my bag. "Don't ride on the sidewalk," he says. "Okay," I reply almost silently. An engine roars and I am alone on the deserted street again. Adrenaline shoots through my veins as I try to comprehend what has happened. I put back on my backpack and look to the sidewalk, I drag my bike to the asphalt and ride home. 


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