He back! (Kevin Hart)

Man am I glad Kevin Hart’s okay. While he was in hospital, I kept thinking why isn’t this in the news more often? Why isn’t this more of a big concern? 

I thought this because I knew if we lost him, there would be a big hole in comedy, the hearts of his family & fans, & dare I say Hollywood (raise your hand if you’ve ever seen a Kevin Hart film 🙋🏽‍♂️, we all have). 

I recently checked Instagram this morning & the news was better than I ever thought it could be. He’s doing well, recovering, & giving God all the glory for it. What does this mean for his usually explicit comedy but more importantly his life in the future? I have no idea, but I thank God for the now. 

Weird writing another post about a celebrity again when I recently wrote about Kanye’s recent experience with God but it is so hard to ignore the pattern of what God is doing among this people group in this generation. 

Maybe it’s because we can see it upfront through their social media posts or because we wake up everyday to the news of when they sneeze, but we seem to have seen it with some pretty big names so far, but I think God’s just getting started. 

It’s very hard to live a life ignoring the possible existence of a higher power, I see this everyday in the ‘coincidences.’ Someone comes to mind & the next thing I know they’re calling my phone, not a coincidence. I’m praying for somebody & not too soon after I hear news that they had breakthrough in their life, not a coincidence. 

God is in the pixels of the everyday pictures of our lives, EVEN celebrities. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is thank You God that one of my favorite comedians is doing well but thank You even more that You’ve impacted his life in such a way that he can’t deny the ‘coincidence’ of your existence. Peace. ✌️



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