I know its popular but it made me uncomfortable

How I felt when an exciting, new, & refreshing TV show came out: It was the talk of the town, it was in memes, all over the internet, EVERYONE knew about it, recommended it, & then I finally watched it. The acting - great, the story - superb, but the overall picture a bit uncomfortable, a feeling you could only describe as not quite right. But I pushed through & I binge watched the entire first batch of episodes (somewhat painfully) & still I looked forward to the next season. About a year passed, it came around, & I started watching it again. & I thought to myself maybe things will be different this time, maybe things will be better? So it seemed, then I started to watch again (the new second season) & that same feeling I tried to numb before crept on me again. If that feeling were words they would simply be saying, “You shouldn’t be watching this.” But it was popular! It was the talk of the town, it was just entertainment! Right? But what if you switched it up. Kept the dark themes but changed up the terminology a bit. Then would my discomfort be justified?

Let's say you do this. You make the same show, with the same themes, characters, everything, but simply changed the words around. I assume the show's creators know exactly what they are doing. Certain terms & words will scare away some of the targeted audience: “If we simply create a really well made show, with ungodly themes, but we change the wording, we can still keep a large demographic.” Boom.

Now hold on a second!!! This is not one of those crazy internet conspiracy theories although this is a theory & it is on the internet (not really helping myself here). I’m just a dude who believes there is more in front of us than we think we're seeing. In this new age of so much content available at our fingertips, is all of it worth consuming? Even with the good reviews & recommendations, is that enough of a safety net to let anything in?

This was a weird read I know, but I personally am still trying to figure out where to draw the line. Even though shows & movies are obviously not real, the themes CAN BE, & they can still evoke real responses from the people watching. I guess all I’m trying to say is just because its permissible that doesn’t always make it beneficial. 

& above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.




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